A peek inside our late summer immersive retreat in beautiful Sonoma County, California. We gathered at The Lotus Feed organic farm and retreat center to rejuvenate and reconnect with nature through daily yoga and meditation, mantra and sound sessions, Ayurvedic treatments, outdoor adventures, evenings by the fire and deep sleeps under the stars. Each day, our classes, workshops and meals took form around a different chakra, exploring the mind, body and emotions through the lens of the seven energy centers in our bodies and their connection to the elements. We had the joy of eating sumptuous meals grown from the land and served around a long communal under vibrant grape vines. We explored the rich landscape, from walks in the herbal medicine gardens and afternoon dips in the lake, to longer coastal hikes with a naturalist who spoke of our interdependent relationship with the many microclimates of the areas as we moved from the Redwoods to the ocean. By the end of the week, our hearts and bellies were full with true nourishment - from new friendships forged, the deep rest, and transformation taken place. It's a truly powerful thing to witness when women come together to support their inner connections to self and the greater connection to community.